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Jasmine Louise

Tickets to our SAGE ALCHEMY Workshop - Mastering the Fundamentals of Energetic House Clearing

Regular price
$103.00 AUD
Regular price
Sale price
$103.00 AUD

For the past few years,  Jasmine Louise and Chloe have together been conducting deep energetic house cleanse and protection practices throughout Invercargill and surrounds. 
It's now time to pass the torch to others...

Join us for an informative and empowering half-day journey into Energetic Cleansing Mastery! 

For the price of what we normally receive for a single deep energetic house cleanse and protect ($111), you will get to explore, learn and experience ALL of the following: 

A total value of over $390!

  • Teaching Foundational Knowledge and Wisdom on all the different components of a safe, yet powerfully potent cleanse and protection practice including our custom designed downloadable workbook - rrp $99
  • Understanding the healing power of crystals and developing confidence around how to use, place and program crystals for a cleanse and protection ritual - Priceless!
  • The power and purpose of Karakia/Prayer and Intention - Priceless!
  • Exploring the Ancient Wisdom of specific cleansing herbs and using them to weave together our own intentional Sage Smudge Wands using purely organic, sustainable and locally grown goodies - rrp $40
  • Understanding the purpose of different sound frequencies used during space clearing - Priceless!
  • Group Theta Healing to clear any oaths, vows, cords, agreements, or energetic ties preventing us from stepping up in this way of service to the whole, as our best and highest version. rrp $100 - $120 pp
  • Immersion in real-time application as we collectively perform a full-scale cleansing ritual on an Invercargill property fully guided & supported by both myself and Chloe- rrp $150+
  • Sharing and Integration amidst the warmth of a shared kai and cup of tea to complete our journey - (From Tapu to Noa). 
  • We love and value our likeminded community so also intend to use our shared kai time to further those beautiful connections, heart to heart. -  Absolutely Priceless!

From theory to practice, together as a community we'll experience the transformative power of energetic purification firsthand. The first of it's kind to ever be offered as a workshop here in Invercargill. 

Come and join the frontrunners and learn to master this technique for use in your own home, your workspace, or for your family and friends and take back your power to enjoy an energetically safe, supportive and peaceful environment. 

No previous experience necessary.

Tickets available now - $111pp - Limited to a group of 12

June 16th 2pm - 6pm - South Alive, Invercargill.

Please bring a small plate of food to share for our shared kai. We have access to kitchen facilities. 

Please note that no refunds will be given within 72 hours of the event due to the purchase and preparation of materials. You are however welcome to try and find a replacement to fill your space. 

Jasmine x