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Jasmine Louise

Intuited Crystal Giftbox - With free Crystal Cleansing Guide

Regular price
$77.00 NZD
Regular price
$194.00 NZD
Sale price
$77.00 NZD

Taking the stress off you and making sure you get beauty, value and meaning from this very special offer.

Your Crystal Giftbox will include:

  • Genuine crystal goodness to the value of $77. We don’t include fillers to make up the price, you get full crystal value for your money.
  • Intuitively selected crystals based on the unique energy signature of who it is intended for. This means each box is completely personalized to support where needed the most.
  • We have a huge range of raw and polished crystals to choose from but what they'll receive will be a surprise.

Three FREE bonuses with every purchase

  1. An Abundance Booster: A three piece mini Rutilated Quartz set - Downloaded with The Abundance Code to help cut through self doubt and anything in the way of living your most abundant life. Programmed by myself, Jasmine Louise -  A Certified Crystal Healer, and qualified Usui Reiki, Theta Healing and Energetic Healing Practitioner - RRP $29
  2. Knowledge is Power: My Crystal Cleansing guide: Good basic crystal care knowledge quite often gets missed out and can actually hinder the crystals performance. in my 12 page PDF  I share some of my personal secrets, on how to keep our crystals energetically clean so you can rest assured that you're getting the most out of a happy crystal collection - RRP $59
  3.  A Message From Your Guides: Lastly, I’ll personally tune in and pull you a guidance card, and write you a little love note about the theme of your intuited crystal box - RRP $29

All this is valued at $194 - But yours today for less than half price!