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Jasmine Louise

Leaf Bowl - Howlite

Regular price
$25.00 NZD
Regular price
$50.00 NZD
Sale price
$25.00 NZD

Howlite: This calming stone is always ready to help cool down fiery tempers, slow down heartbeats and help us lead with wisdom. It vibrates gently, which helps us to connect and flow, raise our own sense of awareness, and eliminate any cloudiness.

Leaves often represent nature in the most literal sense because they're a part of it, but they also symbolize growth and rebirth. Popular sayings include “turning over a new leaf” and “taking a leaf from someone else's book,” both expressions for spiritual growth.

Length 13.8cm x width 6.9cm x depth 2.6cm

347g of solid howlite

Name: Serenity